5 robotics application you do not know exist.

by Joy Festus
4mins read

Robots are gradually emerging as an important innovatory tool for carrying out different operations at present on land, air, water and outer space that can be complicated and challenging for human efforts. Some services like chefs, doctors, customer service, online teachers are gradually being replaced by robots. Here are five robotics application you do not know exist.

Aquatic Robots, Fish and Boats.

As a result of the restrictions and challenges in the aquatic environment,there are only a few successfully built aquatic robots but the good news is they exist and are taking over the ocean. They are capable of removing contaminants from water bodies.

According to Science Daily, “scientists at the University of Warwick have developed a wireless artificial aquatic polyp which can cleanse the ocean body and can also be used in medical diagnosis by picking up and transparent specific cells for analysis.” The artificial aquatic polyp wirelessly attracts and grasps objects on the influence of magnetic field. With the aid of a buoyancy control mechanism, wide- view video camera, environmental sensors, they have the ability to swim and not bother the fish.

Another example is the robotic boat. This can be controlled remotely or autonomously and used mostly for recreational purposes. Interestingly, robotic fishes can be used during environmental disasters affecting the marine ecosystem.

Explosive Handling in Military

Robots are now used in the military for a lot of things, but I will elaborate on a few.

a. Bomb disposal robots

With the aid of virtual reality and sensory feedback,  robots can carry out disarming and disposing of bombs without complications on the battlefield.

b. Detecting and diffusing robots

Examples of these are the MARDI, which stands for mobile advanced robotics defence initiative, and iRobot 510 PackBot. The iRobot 510 PackBot is currently being used on duty in Iraq and Afghanistan. This type of robot can lift large weights around and run speedily even on rough terrain during any type of weather condition. It makes use of digital radio and two-way audio for communication.

c. Explosive ordnance Disposal.

These robots go to the battlefield first, a typical example is the UGO-1st which was developed by NATO scientists at the University of Florence in Italy to identify underground objects swiftly by the aid of radars. Ukraine, Italy and The United States of America have it in possession.



Great technologies have been introduced to the classroom across the globe to aid remote learning, which has greatly progressed since the surge of the Covid-19 pandemic. Educational robots can carry out a range of activities. They can simplify complex programs and make them simple for learning E.g Siri.

Robotics act as avatars and studying it can help kids develop cognitive skills early. Studying robotics also allows students to develop an interest in programming skills and artificial intelligence technology. The study of robotics can encourage a teamwork spirit by assigning tasks and convincing others to lead.

Educational robots support students with special needs and allow them to enjoy education and adapt to works suited for them.

Some popular robots used are Makeblock mbot for robotics education. NAO is used for teaching primary and secondary school students on any subject  pertaining to their level.



Space Exploration

The best fit for these risky activities are the robots, because they have higher chances of not getting killed or tired in hazardous situations. Some space institutions like NASA frequently use automotive vehicles and robots to carry out research.


Robotics in health is greatly due to the evolution of 5G and AI technologies. Mobile robots are used in hospitals for surgical assistance, tele-assistance , food and supply transport and motorized shower systems for people with disabilities. A great example is the da Vinci robot. These autonomous robots also reduce the workload of hospital staff and safety from internal accidents.

Now that you have seen the applications, you will agree that it is quite impressive to see how the robotics and artificial intelligence advances are expanding. I believe that these broken grounds will be more applied, especially in our immediate environments in the nearest future, as the part ahead is definitely broad and exciting.


Geospatial Ecology of Marine Megafauna


NATO Science

Science Daily

Robot Platform



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